Monday, November 26, 2012

50 Ways To Inspire Your Husband...

It was brought to my attention a few months ago that we as wives still need to inspire our husband's from time to time to make them feel loved. I know what you're saying, well, I cook for my husband or I clean for him or take care of our children or run errands. Whatever the case may be. He may feel loved that you do these things but does he feel supported to get up everyday and go to work or do whatever trade he does? I know sometimes us wives may feel as though well, he is the man of the house, why should I inspire him?? It does make the marriage thrive and work. Take it from me. Me and my husband have had our share of issues that have affected our marriage from time to time. He still needs to feel inspired to get up everyday for his family. I joined an event on Facebook to inspire your husband and it was based off of this website and their recommendations.

1 Corinthians 13:13 says
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 

I would just invite all of you ladies to check out this website and start the challenge today. It does not have to be a certain month or day. Start today!! I think our husband's deserve it. <3

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